
Low-relief erosional surfaces and Erciyes Dağı (Mt. Erciyes) volcano in Anatolian highland / アナトリア高原の小起伏面とエルジエス火山(トルコ共和国カイセリ県)

Low-relief erosional surfaces and Erciyes Dağı (Mt. Erciyes) volcano in Anatolian highland / アナトリア高原の小起伏面とエルジエス火山(トルコ共和国カイセリ県)

   Low-relief erosional surfaces are widely present in central Anatolian highland, where mountains or hills surrounded by gentle slopes are covered with crop fields to their summits. Slopes on these "low-relief" surfaces are generally gentle and geomorphic processes therein seems relatively slow, but many active geomorphic features are actually found: for instance, current small rivers incises for several meters in depth into a wide Holocene floodplain (shown in the center of the photo, a river runs along the trees from left to right), and steep slopes beyond the river have thin soil layer and surface materials are actively transported during heavy rainfall and in snowmelt season. Although the overall form of the low-relief surfaces can be peneplain or a relict landform of ancient long-term erosion, present geomorphic process are not so inactive in the region.
   Many active faults run through these low-relief surfaces surrounding the Anatolian highland. A pull-apart basin, divided by normal or slip faults (a part of the East Anatolian fault zone), is located beyond the hill ridge in the upper portion of the photo, where volcanic activities have occurred since several million years ago.
   Mt. Erciyes (3,917 m), shown in the upper left of the photo, is the highest volcano in central Anatolia. The mountain provides a place of skiing in winter, and snow around the summit is observable year-round. A glacier is present just below the summit on the north-facing slope (photo), which have severely retreated and is shortly disappearing. The photo shows an amazing scenery which contrast strong sunlight in the close view and cold ice in the distant view.
(Photograph and text by Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Aug. 2009)

 左に遠望されるのがエルジエス火山(標高3,917 m)。中央アナトリア地方の最高峰である。冬にはスキーリゾートとして賑わい,夏でも山頂付近には雪が残る。写真手前が北向き斜面であり,山頂直下には氷河や岩石氷河も存在する。ただ,この氷河も縮小傾向にあり,一昨年と昨年は史上初めて麓からの遠景で夏に雪が見えなくなったという。なお,奇岩地形で有名なカッパドキアはこの火山の西に広がり,これはエルジエスより古い時代の火山活動にともなう火砕流堆積物の台地が開析されてできている。

Low-relief erosional surfaces and Erciyes Dağı (Mt. Erciyes) volcano in Anatolian highland / アナトリア高原の小起伏面とエルジエス火山(トルコ共和国カイセリ県)
(表紙写真:地形30 (4), 2009

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